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tv   CNN News Night With Abby Phillip  CNN  April 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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he also has a present, this one, just this morning. it begins this way. let me get up to the tweet here. stupid jimmy kimmel, who's still hasn't recovered from his surrenders performance and big ratings drop as hosting the academy awards that's not a juror, of course. that's donald trump. that is donald trump in the middle of the trial while he is the presumptive republican nominee for president yeah well, he needs an emotional support social network, you know, that's what he needs. this thing is very important to him to express himself. he's got, he's got a lot of ed and not a lot of impulse control. and so that's what he does. and this is how he feels better. so i'm doing it, right that town, just like that. a lot of beheaded, not a lot impulse control must still that line. i will give you credit to kara swisher, grateful for your time. tonight. thank pretty much. >> the 30 for your time at home and thanks for joining us cnn news night with abby phillip starts now who will blink
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first? >> that's tonight on news night good evening. >> i'm abby phillip and washington tonight. a special news night interview with speaker emerita nancy pelosi. we have a lot to ask about and we'll get to that in just minutes. but first, the staring contest between the republican speaker of the house and the republicans who don't think that he should have a job on cnn tonight, johnson defended his decision to put forward a massive foreign aid package. the pair's billions for israel with billions for ukraine and billions for taiwan. now that earned him praise from the democratic president and scorn from the republicans. that is a good recipe for dysfunction here in washington and for setting a timer on how long
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johnson can keep the gavel. tonight johnson wants to turn the debate over what to spend into a debate over who's shadow looms larger over today's gop is it ronald reagan's or donald trump's i'm a child of the 80s regard myself as a reagan republican. >> i understand the concept of maintaining peace through strength. that's one of our guiding principles. it's really important philosophy it's a big part of our party and our worldview. and i think here is an opportunity to make that stand at a really critical time in world history now, that doesn't appear to be anything that will stop the tensions from boiling over and setting the as essentially on fire with a motion to vacate i don't know how long people are going to tolerate this because he's doing nothing but starting the democrats. but for hours last night and proposed different paths for the speaker you're that would have avoided the abject surrender represented by his, his strategic choice here. there's no other way to
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describe it. it's surrender, it's disappointing. i won't support ford. it it's disappointing. >> it's completely detached from what our base once what, what are, what are voters want? >> this strategy is not to try. i think the strategy is to call on the sword joining me now for a news night exclusives, speaker emerita democrat nancy pelosi of california as speaker pelosi. thank you for being here. i do want to start on this very important foreign policy issue. speaker johnson has this four-part plan that he laid out to approve funding over ukraine. that's been stalled funding for israel, funding for taiwan, and other priorities. should democrats actually help him move that forward? >> well, i think what he is doing gives his own party choice. if you want to support to security for israel, which we all do. but if that's all they want to do, they can vote for that. there are plenty votes in the congress to support ukraine. and it is strongly by partisan, but not all of them don't want to
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support it, so they don't have to again, the taiwan is very bad partisan. that's not so much of a challenge. so i don't know what if their objection is that he's giving them all the choice that they could want, but they don't want us to have any choice. then they don't understand what the role of speaker is. if ultimately there is a border component that's what i know some of his members want to add into this. what do democrats do then? well, that can't be at bone. they will, they may have a boat border component, but it'll be its own separate bill. and then their members can vote for the border of component. they have majority of the house they may be able to pass that, but you have to remember, we are the house of representatives. we have a democratic senate, a democratic president and if we're going to really help the people of the middle east and ukraine. we have to have a bill that is signed. and i think that they're working i hope that they're working with us senate
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for a bill that will pass the senate. >> the speaker the speaker johnson on cnn today with jake tapper. he did an interview and he said that the united states should stand with ukraine for freedom to make sure that vladimir putin doesn't seem role across a european country do you give him credit for that? i mean, you hear the anger in his conference over this issue. do you give him any credit for coming forward now and saying this is a matter of historical importance. >> well, it is. i think it's great to sub him to say because you have to understand that in his own caucus, the chairman of the intelligence committee and the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, two liters respect on both sides of the aisle has said that russian propaganda has infiltrated the republican side of the aisle. >> so he has to deal with that. >> and for him to say that the democracy in ukraine is an issue that we must support this
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a bold statement if he and i don't want praise them too much because shall turn off some of, you know, there's something wrong with, there's anything wrong that's praising your opponents necessarily no reaction that he might get i mean, if, if this aid doesn't pass and ukraine is in this dire situation, do republicans deserve the blame? >> yeah for a failure. >> no question about it the facts are that the president and this bipartisan legislation from the senate his carefully put forth what is needed to help ukraine protect democracy win in that fight. and other provisions humanitarian assistance in the in gaza, assistance for israel to protect itself. issues that relates to taiwan. this is all been passed in a bipartisan way
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in the senate. the president stands ready to sign the bipartisan senate bill for months. we've been asking the house to pass the bill at one point, we'd have had over 300 votes for it. that is diminishing, but nonetheless still a strong majority in the house. so, you know, it would be right at the doorsteps of the republicans who have, again been shown, there's a putin caucus on the republican side. you have to understand that and that's what unfortunately speaker has to undergo a putin caucus, which just espouse is what putin is saying there. it's really a tragedy for our country is ukraine losing this war? >> well, hopefully not, but if we can act now, i think with enough distance, with enough speed, with enough heft. and what we send their than i think they can win the war. >> was it a mistake for the biden administration in the early stages of this war, there was a lot of deliberation and having an hiring about whether
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do they send certain types of weaponry and in what sequence and is it too soon? would it provoked putin? was all of that back-and-forth wasted time yeah. >> i think that the president deserves a great deal of credit because of the initiatives to help ukraine had been multilateral. it's been the you, it's been g7, g20, even other countries outside of europe japan, and some other countries in asia been very supportive and so you have to move in a way that not only enables you to send your support but, to have the support of other countries as well because they need a great deal of support do you think on the issue of israel that where things stand right now between the united states and israel, this relationship has been tense for several weeks, maybe months now oh, is it too late to repair that relationship between president biden and netanyahu know of it's never
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too late to repair a relationship, but netanyahu has to come around. he has not been a piece oriented person. >> do you think it's possible for him to be i'm always questioned that for decades now as to whether he could was capable of peace, wanted to do pace are was afraid of peace. and i feel so sad about what happened on october 7 was brutal what hamas, which is a terrorist organization did in israel was horrible. and the response that israel has had has made is one that has serious humanitarian concerns. and so we'd like to see support for israel to defend itself. that's in our interest for them to secure in that dangerous neighborhood but also for the us to have prevent starvation famine and hydrate dehydration among children and
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families. >> and you've said in the past that you do not think that the united states military aid that they provided since october 7 has been responsible well, for some of the serious attacks on frankly, on civilians that have occurred in gaza. but when you look at the world central kitchen attack that happened that really shocked the world if it turns out that american weaponry was involved in that, would that change your view about what needs to happen going forward as it relates to the provision of lethal aid to israel well, what we have said in a letter or we could or so was that the there has to be an investigation of how that happened and we shouldn't be giving any more weapons until that happens. >> now, the israelis have are conducting an investigation. i myself think we have to go beyond that. i think there
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should be an independent investigation of how that happened it was beyond the pale, but nonetheless, the letter that we sent was a very discrete in terms of, you must investigate this because we need to know how this could have happened. >> is it still true in your mind given where things stand? >> but israel is still one of the united states is closest allies while we are close to allies, as and toward a long time, it has been in our national security issue for us to support to support israel. >> we have shared values. we have shared security concerns in the rest and make no mistake. hamas is a terrorist orgazation andhey have in there criteria that they will the destruction on the state of israel. so understand that this is a dangerous situation. however, what however, the
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response to that is managed has to be in a way that doesn't produce famine and starvation and dehydration dislocation for people there has to be more discreet way too to secure israel. >> i want to just putting this all together. i mean, ultimately, these votes on israel, on ukraine could cost speaker johnson his job, marjorie taylor greene, one of you heard are there earlier but she said whether it happens two weeks from now, two months from now or in the next majority representative, mike johnson will not be the speaker. do you think ultimately that's true? >> i don't think that a look my for 20 years i was leader or speaker and we have to respect our caucus in the rest, but we also have to respect the house of representatives, the integrity of the house of representatives. these people who are using the motion to vacate show a bankruptcy of
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their own ideas to prevail in the idea of the marketplace of ideas that they would have to resort to that and all traces back to the previous speaker who shrunk the speakership by enabling people to take it down to one person can vacate the chair because that's what it took for him to become speech that her be considered for democrats to actually step in and save mike johnson. >> that is nothing gets shouldn't be f reason and our caucus in do what would you vote to him? well, i have been prepared to do that in the past. not that this group because this is a very this is different. i would say breed of cat except my daughter has a cat and she would not like me identifying cats with these people, but nonetheless the intact the institution is very important. you cannot have one
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person decide that they're going to take out. now, understand this. >> they don't have a big majority. i didn't have a big majority. had two votes. they have two votes so but a speaker cannot make the tough decisions that have to be made unless he is willing to risk his or her job. that's a no, we come to do a job not to hold a job. so i think that the speaker has an understanding now, again, i came up through the ranks. you know, it's a whip. i was the leader and i was the speaker, so i understood what needed to be done. this is all new very very quick rise for mike johnson, who just before this was virtually unknown even by his own colleagues i do want to get to another huge issue which is the issue of abortion, as you know today in arizona, republicans failed to take up a potential repeal of this 18, 64 law that bans virtually all
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abortions in that state i mean, just taking this from a political perspective, i fully i know you understand the impact on women, but having failed to now do this despite trump saying that they should repeal that law, are republicans basically handing democrats the issue of this next election on a silver platter. >> well, let's put it this way. i wouldn't i think donald trump is going to, as he were to be president, god forbid, that that should happened to our country. but if he were, he be for a national abortion ban, make no mistake. i don't care what he says, but that's what he's about. and that is what's happening in our zolan now he may, from a political standpoint, when hedge that but the fact is this is about an abortion ban and it's about damaging survival of women who may be in a situation where they need to terminate a pregnancy. i don't i say they should i don't know. take a
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lesson in the birds and the bees. i don't think these guys even know what's going on when it comes to all of that. but i do know that this respect for women i'm not understanding that a woman's right to choose is a democracy issue. it's a freedom issue. it's about people making their own decisions. it's an economic issue, it's a kitchen table as you about the size and timing, if they want to have a family or not so this isn't just about whatever the political issue they want to call it make no mistake therefore, a national federal ban on abortion before you go, the supreme court yesterday hurts oral arguments in a case that is important when it comes to the people who have been charged with january 6 related offenses, it's called fischer versus united states. we talked about it a little on the show yesterday the court seemed very open to the possibility of really stripping those charges
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from, it could be some 350 janney verse six insurrectionists. what do you think the impact of that would be if they do rule in that way? >> well, as a victim of january 6, when they were out to get me to put a bullet in my word brain and seeing the quest they had for the vice president and the danger, five people died that day. police officers died that day, many injured, some permanently. it was a terrible thing that happened to our country. are constitution, our congress are capital but i'm not as a victim of that crime. i think it is inappropriate for me to talk about what the legal aspects of it are that's up to the courts in the lawyers to decide. but i will say the facts are these. it was very dangerous it was planned in
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advance, it was motivated. it was again, instigated by the president of the united states and again, not to question the legal discussions of the court because i think it's inappropriate as a victim of that crime for me to talk about the specifics of the law. >> all right. speaker emerita nancy pelosi. thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. thank you end up next breaking news in donald trump's criminal trial. >> what prosecutors are prepared to do, it decides to take the stand in his own defense plus, did trump just just now violate his gag order with a social media post tonight, we'll discuss that and kari lake tells her supporters to take up arms in preparation for the election. it's just the latest round of violent rhetoric from her. this is news laura coates live
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>> i want everybody to have funding night. >> president biden, and convenient collin j those headline. and it all starts with a special cnn red carpet event hosted by john berman and sara sidner, the white house correspondents dinner, lives i don't april 27 at seven eastern on cnn and streaming on macs breaking news tonight, just hours before jury selection resumes in donald trump's criminal trial, the former president may have just violated his gag order on social media, quoting fox host jesse watters, trump wrote, they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury for more. i want to bring in former federal prosecutor, jean rosie gene is this witness tampering is the gag order. once again, violated? >> i have to take a deep breath if this were the eastern district of virginia, rye rolled for almost 20 years he would be in deeper either he
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would be fined or he would be in cuffs, remanded but because we're in new york city and the judge is trying to stay focused on a trial. it does it violate the gag order? yes, it does. is the judge going to do anything about it? >> no. because i think donald trump is trying to bait the judge to get a mistrial four to get some appeal issue. so i don't think the judge is going to do anything other than probably tomorrow, friday verbally take them to the woodshed look at his attorney and say, this is it if there's one more close call he's going into lock-up or i'm going to find them. that's what's going to happen. but did he violate the gag order? and my view absolute. >> but i mean, this is ultimately about the safety of jurors and yes he's kinda putting a target on their backs here. seven of them are already been seated. >> he is acting like a thug because he is sending out
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messages to his supporters that there's some cabal, some conspiracy sort of like the theory that antifa, started january 6. he's trying to poison his jury pool. number one, to get trump. jurors on a panel. but also if he gets convicted, he can say that this jury pool was the subject of bunch of people lying one of the other issues in this case that trump has been racing on social media is whether or not or why his attorneys don't get unlimited strikes of the jury tell us jean, is that a thing? >> okay that is the most absurd thing in the world. >> if a defense attorney had unlimited peremptory strikes, which means you can strike a juror for any reason, except race or gender if they had unlimited bullets to take out jurors on a panel, we would never have trials. so the ten
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peremptory strikes that donald trump has been given is what an ordinary citizen who was named donald smith would get he is getting treated just like anybody else. and it is driving him crazy and part of the play as the case, often with trump, is taking things that are normal and ordinary and presenting them to his supporters as if it is some kind of conspiracy against him, which it is very clearly not right. >> jane rosy. thank you very much for joining us and just in speaking of donald trump, he wants to cut a cut of the money from his campaigns that are using his name plus how political rhetoric is becoming more and more violent as one senate candidate is telling her supporters to arm themselves ahead of the election and tonight i'm telling cnn investigation inside of america's deadliest prison system bodies of some of the inmates are being returned to their families without oregon's will tell will you
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progress this is cnn. the world's news casual talk of violence has become the currency in american politics. >> these days, especially on the right, whether it's dreams of civil war or talk of taking up arms in the name of a politician. and many are repeat offenders. just listen to arizona republican kari lake, who is running for the senate seat and that state listen to her talk about the upcoming election and donald trump he's willing to sacrifice everything i am that's why they're coming out draws with lawfare. they're going to come after us
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with everything that's why the next six months is going to be intense. for going to strap on our seat belt we're gonna vote on our helmet or your kari lake ball cap. >> we are going to from the. armor of god maybe syrup on o'clock on the side of us you can put one here and one in the back are one in the front. whatever you guys decide is we're not going to be the victims of crime this is kari lake last year after trump was indicted for his handling of classified documents we're war. people you want to get to president trump, you're going to have to go through me and you're going to have to through 75 million americans just like me tell you, yet most of us are card carrying member the nra that's not a threat
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that's a public service announcement look, kari lake is not an homily, just this week as pro-palestinian protesters were shutting down us landmarks, senator tom cotton suggested that people take matters into their own hands. >> whether it'd be throwing them off bridges or ripping off their skin, joining me now is amanda carpenter, writer and editor at protect democracy and a former senior staffer to senator there's jim demint's and ted cruz also with us, mehdi hassan, the editor in chief and ceo of the media companies, a teo and author of the book the win every argument, the art of debating, persuading, and public speaking. thanks both of you for being here. amanda senator cotton, he actually defended his language today and then the next day, and the very next day as well. i mean, it just is so striking to me that this is
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it's not even just these one-off things. it's also just that this is what the base is demanding and the members of congress or the candidates are giving it to them. it is a thirst for violence yeah, i find the case of tom cotton, especially disturbing because he is a person with a military background who's certainly knows of what he speaks. >> i mean, this is not a one-off from tom cotton. you were that the op-ed that he wrote, the new york times during the black lives matters protests in which he supported invoking the insurrection act to send troops to us cities to put down these protests. when i look at someone like tom cotton, you don't put those words to a page with his background without knowing very deliberately what you are asking for. and he saw the blowback and he still says things like this. i essentially want political violence to put down political speech. i do not like and so when you look at a figure like him and then you look at the prospect of a trump 2nd term, tom cotton is someone that could play a very
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prominent role in a second trump administration. and so i think we need to pay very special, careful attention to the harbinger of things to come. perhaps tom cotton loves violence. this is be clear about that amanda mentioned june 2020. he talked about no quarter giving no quarter to protest has no corner means killed them all. so war crime. >> he also recently about gause's bounce rubble in gaza, which means let's destroy it all. >> and now he's talking about basically using violence against pro-palestinian protesters. i would remind you all that at the start of this conflict, a little six-year-old boy in illinois, we're dea was stabbed to death multiple times in what was a hate crime? because of incitement like this. this is kind of language has consequences words matter when kari lake talks about strapping unblocked, when tom cotton talks about taking action in doing that, people act on this stuff when donald trump says, fight like hell, people go to the capitol and fight like hell. republican say this stuff and then there are consequences. >> it is though a very trump
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ism to basically treat words like they don't matter, like it's all just wordplay and funding games. i mean has that just become the way that republicans are expected to operate i'm talking about the republican party in particular, because this is where we are seeing this kind of rhetoric escalating the mouse. >> but it's not, i mean, they know what they're doing. kari lake. this is not mtg or lauren boebert. kari lake knows what she's doing. tom cotton, harvard grad knows what he's doing and the consequences are very clear. this is not just funding games when mitt romney goes on the record and says, there will members in the house who wanted to vote, gop members who wanted to vote to impeach donald trump. but they were scared for their families they were worried about the safety of their wife and kids. a lot of these republican men that is a deliberate tactic by trump, the mafia boss and the little mafia boss is below him to enforce order both within the party and now within the country, one in three americans tells pulses one in three republicans or excuse me, has said that they believed that patriots need to resort to
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violence to save this country one in three republicans, that's a scary statistics and that's been an there has been increasingly this idea among trump supporters that violence is in fact inevitable. that is perhaps the answer to the discord in the country january 6 was the opening salvo in for some of them of that. where does it go next? >> i think this is why you see a lot of the so-called smart set, those positioning around donald trump object 2025, heritage foundation, et cetera, talking about things like invoking the insurrection act. i mean, this keeps coming up and you talk about like, well, how does this manifest itself? one of the things that i encounter a lot talking to republicans is the idea they pushed back as it's just rhetoric. i can separate the rhetoric from the policy and i pushed back on that every single time because the rhetoric is how you explain the policy. when he talks about calling the january 6 rioters? hostages, and patriots. that is a policy that translates into
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pardoning that and then providing a license for more political violence to advance his political aims. and so you just have to put down this idea that like he's just saying things because words do become action. it's specifically within this role that he wants to play in a second administration. >> and you can't even give the benefit of the doubt because this is not 2015 when he was saying i'm going to pay the legal bills for anyone who punches a protester, which he didn't by the way finally, legal bills. then we sort entire term. you were talking about the opening salvo. i mean, we sort an entire term of donald trump in office before january 6 where people went into synagogues and gun people down using the same language as trump, a guy in new zealand went and shot up more two mosques and said trump's my hero. the walmart shooter used the invasion language great replacement theory. all of this stuff happened on trump's devan. now, trump is 40 share recently the picture of biden gagged and bound at the back of a truck if we did that, i think the secret service, we come into our door, but that's donald trump speaking of trump
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paying are not paying legal bills his campaign is now in there thirst for money asking republican candidates and committees who are using the trump name and likeness to fundraise, to give at least 5% of what they raise back to the trump campaign. just a reminder. some of this money is going to pay his legal bills here. that's according to a letter obtained by cnn. i mean, how is that unusual how of course it is yes. certainly. i just picture like all his trump campaign staffers going through the fec reports that campaigns have to fall awesome. me like, oh, okay. they had a good here, kick up your 5% i mean, really like, where does this end? why is it only 5%? why didn't you start sooner apparently, if everyone's going to roll over and say, sure, i'll kick it up. it isn't going to end with just 5%. you are part of this unfolding asking for trouble. i'm amazed it was on the other party with the letter. okay. it says any split that is higher than 5% will be seen favourably by the rnc and the president's campaign is easily reported to
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the highest levels of the campaign i'll be honest with you. >> i'm not bothered by this. i actually think take five, take ten. it's his party, right? it's his personal fiefdom. it's his personal property. is daughter-in-law runs the thing. >> tape five, take 15 boys if you want to and if you don't give 5%, maybe he'll send round the goose maybe you'll get the death threats. >> i mean, look, this is the republican party now thanks so much about the rnc and the republican party that it's like the messages trump will find out whether you've given us five or ten. those are the funders emails. i get my impacts every day from the trach. it's always these kind of like heavy pressure tactics were watching you. why? >> paul to list anymore? it's a trump maga party. it is private property. this is how he does business. his entire career is based on licensing his name and getting cut back why wouldn't you do that to the gop and let them pay him? >> i mean, to be fair, they are all using his name and likeness. that's true when it went roll over that debt is
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traditional in most campaigns when you're looking for leadership in the party, traditionally, an incumbent president would be happy to lend his name and likeness to bring the job slapping a 5% tax on top of those contributions for else amanda carpenter and maggie hassan. >> thank you both very much and if you've ever heard someone fawn over their boss, you haven't led former white house adviser stephen miller the greatest hits our next every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with jesse l. martin sunday, april 28, did not on cnn it's pretty
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there is a time honored tradition of aides lavished praise to inflate the egos of their bosses and then there is stephen miller the most stylish president and first lady in our lifetimes are donald trump and melania trump. >> don't trust a style icon. he changed american fashion in the apprentice people's for the next ten years, trying to dress like donald trump i am not confident there's a decade in which oversize ties resembling airport runways we're a fashion statement, but regardless, the former white house advisers pension for the over-the-top flattery of donald trump is well unparalleled here's a selection donald trump has an encyclopedic memory. >> president trump's the most gifted politician of our time, the president is a political genius who won against the field of 17 incredibly talented people who took down the bush
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dynasty, who took down the clinton dynasty. and he is the leader of this nationwide and worldwide populist movement. donald trump is the only man that people know has cropped that rubicon burned the ships to cinders. i saw a man who was a political genius somebody who we would be going down landing in dissent. there'd be a breaking news development and in 20 minutes, he would dictate ten paragraphs of new material they say that the eyes are the window into the human soul blazing set of eyes that we saw in that photograph revealed a soul that is literally burning with a righteous flame on behalf of 300 million americans. that is one of the most powerful images that i've ever seen. one man and his two eyes look straight into the parts of the american people and said, i will not give up, i will not back down. i will not surrender. i will see this through no matter how it ends,
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they will not break me the best order to hold that office and generations a self-made billionaire revolutionized reality tv and tap into something magical that's happening in the hearts of this country, the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned. we don't know how this battle ends, but we know that we will be riding in this battle in struggle to save democracy with a real man. the only place that well a genius in the last week is the president. but what do you think has happened to be a true statement that's really something up next for us. >> a haunting cnn investigation, america's deadliest prison system, has returned the bodies of some inmates without their organs. what we discovered and what was hot on tape them to the world
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everybody shell powering progress laura coates live next on cnn closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 now to a haunting cnn investigation tonight all right. >> the families of alabama inmates are outraged after receiving their loved ones bodies back for burial without their organs. it's happening in america's deadliest prison system where the homicide rate in 2019 was seven times higher than the national average bridge cnn correspondent isabel rosales investigates it was a
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funeral home that first alerted sarah kennedy. >> something was wrong with the body of her brother-in-law, who died while in present, they said did you realize he came back without his organs? >> how might we mean came up without his organs the funeral director told sarah everything was missing in sayyed jim kennedy, jr. body, everything. >> but his eyes. >> have liver, heart, you're not all your major organs. they were gone. >> she says those organs were taken without the knowledge or permission of marvin kennedy kennedy juniors brother and legal representative. >> but yet they made the decisions for you i represent it you without your permission sarah repeatedly tried to contact the prison and the university of alabama at birmingham, which is among the providers that conducts autopsies for the prison system. a lot of questions i had a lot of questions but no answers. >> eventually, she says she spoke over the phone with someone who identified himself as an autopsy department supervisor for the university, and she secretly recorded that
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conversation had this request done before oregon? yeah. yeah. >> laugh. they organs do it all the time. we don't want to do it for my religious preference. we want to do that. now, will tell you this. >> is that you a view the teaching institution and amy peach in institutions that the autopsies keeps their organs well, we we did not end june. >> you did not want that. we have not agreed with the prison for his body to be turned over for no study and we want those five months after kennedy juniors death, billie stapler made his own alarming discovery is just to say, as like a horror movie that i can't wake up from the private pathologist he hired to perform an autopsy on his father, arthur stapler was unable to perform it she said he had an empty cavity. >> there was nothing there. stabler says he held the power
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of attorney for his father and never authorized the removal or retention of the organs i just want him to be holy. good. stapler since he spoke with the same uab supervisor, eventually, his private pathologist receive what was said to be his father's brain and heart back, but some organs like his lungs, came back in pieces. >> the rest were gone. >> and i'm asking where's the rest of his organs? and he tells me that they're possibly got thrown away and i'm like, how do you throw away organs? >> why did you even take them out of him? funeral experts tell cnn after an autopsy, organs are normally put in a bag and place back inside the body, but that's not what happened in the case of these seven inmates. the families of five of them now suing the alabama department of corrections and uab, the university conducted the autopsies for all the inmates, but one says attorney to the families, moore and verona. she tells cnn the families insist none of them were organ donors. so how in the world did this all happen without family consent? the alabama department
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of corrections tells cnn it does not comment on pending litigation, nor does it authorize or perform autopsies. >> but uab tells cnn, aidan does approve them and says it's an ox responsibility to get family approval. >> what do you think is your most damning piece of evidence? >> the contract between the department of corrections and uav is just about all the evidence we need to show that illegal activity is happening. >> that contract shows these parties empowering a warden to make a decision about taking out organs and keepi them from loved onethe law directly contradicts that position. >> that law says very clearly, a ward and does not have that right. >> cnn reached out to the alabama legislature for clarity, a legislative attorney saying in a memo award and has no legal authority to approve an autopsy there are agreement may be illegal and just what happened to those organs, uab
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told cnn in a statement, in some cases, they're pathologists keep organs for further testing to come to an accurate cause of death for renal claims, oregon serve another purpose at the school right now, we have concrete evidence that the students are using some of these organs for training in medical school, a group of 13 uab medical students question the ethics of the school's retention of some inmate organs without consent as far back as 2018 they wrote this letter to school administrators saying in part, or concern is not what the practice of autopsy, but with the process of consent for the retention and use of tissue samples. >> two of those former medical students tell cnn their instructors acknowledged that many of their teaching samples came from inmates because inmates tend to have more developed disease easier to see and learn from the students agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity, fearing career repercussions. one saying, it's plainly and obviously wrong, there was no understanding of medical ethics in which this is permissible.
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uab accused of student whistleblowers of an accuracies in a statement to cnn, something the students nine, despite the accounts from former students, the university tells cnn it does not use inmate organs to teach medical students. so we went back to them and asked, have you ever showing them their own report from 2018 that states they do. but uab refused to answer for the families left frustrated and without answers, nothing short of accountability and policy change changes can make them whole. >> what made a rifling just go here and just give away a person to somebody else. and say he'll play with this board, somebody like that. >> the attorney to the families, lauren for renal tells me at least two more lawsuits are being prepared and i'll be back in 2021 and alabama law was passed that requires medical examiners to notify next of kin if they will retain someone's organs to determine identification or the cause or manner of death. it also requires next of kin approval to keep organs for quote, research or other for purposes for reynoso will
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leaning heavily on that law in court. abby thanks to as valid results for that report, a very disturbing report indeed, you can go to for much more on this story and thank you for watching news night. >> laura coates live starts right now donald trump just violate the gag order and the hush money trial will tell you what he posted about the jurors. >> as raising serious concerns plus maggie haberman is here to answer your questions about the trial and justin, a new twist and the shocking idaho student murders bryan kohberger's defense haim, revealing his long awaited alibi, plus the nba does something it hasn't done in 70 years. they've banned a player for life over a gambling scandal. the story and the fallout tonight. and laura coates live


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